Meeting Minutes May 24, 2022
Call to Order: A Meeting of St Paul NAPS Branch # 104.
Meeting was held at Joseph’s Grill, 104 S Wabasha St. St Paul, MN on May 24, 2022. The meeting convened @ 6:39 pm with President, Rob Moore presiding.
Officers Present: President, Rob Moore, Vice President, Steve Henjum, Secretary, Elizabeth “Izzy” Ortiz, Treasurer, John Junek, Trustee, Louis Soukey, and NDC Vice President, Patrick Bird resigned.
Members Present: Julianne Vance, Andrea Lynch, Aricka Sundstrom, Paul Johnson and Incha Krein.
Guests Present: Elly Soukey, Auxiliary
Officers Reports:
President: Rob Moore
Vice President / Legislative Rep: Steve Henjum
Secretary: Elizabeth “Izzy” Ortiz
Treasurer: John Junek
Trustee: Louis Soukey
Treasurers Report: As if May 1, 2022
Secretary’s Report: No report
Committee Reports: Soc & Rec; No report
Previous Meeting Minutes:
• Additions and corrections: None to be made.
• VP, Steve Henjum made motion to accept the minutes for March 22, 2022.
§ Treasurer, John Junek 2nd that motion. All in favor. Motion passed.
Old Business:
- Communications – discussion of sending memorials from previous meeting.
- Motions to be made for each event.
- Discussion of how reach more members
- Social Media – Facebook page; change from public to private group and invite members to join.
- Postcards
- Mail with details and reminders
- Website – Members can view;
- Meeting Minutes
- News from Headquarters
- VP, Steve Henjum made motion to compensate Secretary, Izzy Ortiz up to 30 hours for personal time taken for creating the website.
ü Discussion and decision reflected $15 on what the state members are being paid.
ü Trustee, Louis Soukey made a motion to pay $450 to cover the cost of website to Secretary, Izzy Ortiz.
ü VP, Steve Henjum, 2nd the motion. Voted, all in favor. Motion passed.
- Auxiliary Dues – to be paid every 2 years
- $60 per year
- Secretary, Izzy made motion that Branch 104 support the Auxilary and pay the $120 for 2 years.
- Trustee, Louis Soukey 2nd the motion. Voted and all in favor. Motion passed
New Business:
- Upcoming State Convention
- St Paul Branch 104 will be hosting
- Dates: June 9th and June 10th 2022
- Grand Casino Hinckley
- Costs-
ü Meeting Room $540/$570
ü Rooms Thursday $99, Friday $169
ü Breakfast served at 8 am. $9.95
ü Lunch – boxed lunches; turkey and ham $14
ü Hospitality Room – beverages and snacks
ü Registration fees –
Ø Trustee, Louis Soukey made motion to change fee from $60 to $75
Ø VP, Steve Henjum 2nd motion.
- Confirmed attending 17, including Duluth.
- State meeting June 9, 2022 at 1 pm.
- Convention June 10, 2022 at 9 am.
- Entertainment
ü Silent Auction
ü Cribbage Tournment
ü Cards
- Fundraising
- 50/50
- Raffles
- No door prizes
- Entertainment Fund
- Trustee, Louis Soukey made motion to spend $750.
- Discussion – Trustee, Louis Soukey made amendment to spend up to $1000.ü Aricka Sundstrom – 2nd the motion. Voted on and motion passed.
- Officer Vacancies
- President, Rob Moore has appointed;
ü Aricka Sundstrom as NAPS Vice President at the Minneapolis-St Paul NDC.
ü Andrea Lynch as one of the Trustees.
- Upcoming National Convention
- Officers attending discussed at previous meeting
- Treasurer, John Junek made motion to send newly appointed officers, Aricka Sundstrom and Andrea Lynch to attend national convention.
ü Trustee, Louis Soukey, 2nd motion. Voted on and motion passed.
- Treasurer, John Junek made motion to cover a night for Auxillary’s Elly Soukey.
ü Aricka Sundstrom 2nd the motion. Voted on and motion passed.
- Set Policy for reimbursement to travel – tabled until next meeting.
v Members In Attendance $50 Drawing (must be present to win): Izzy Ortiz
v All Members Drawing (must be present to win): Sheri Dornbusch (not present)
v Motion to adjourn made by Trustee, Louis Soukey, second by Treasurer, John Junek
v Meeting adjourned at 8:34 pm.
President, Rob Moore Date of Approval_______________